We can do no great things, only small things with great love. ~Mother Teresa

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Will work for...an extra hand

Fortunately I was able to visit the Boys & Girls Club twice this week.  On Monday, I spent the entire two and a half hours that I was there helping the kids with homework.  The first hour during Power Hour was good because I was helping multiple kids but then the last hour or so was rough.  It was rough because I was helping one kid the whole time and he didn’t want to do his homework even though he had a lot of it.  Thursday was much more interesting.  I was only able to be there for Power Hour.  I was the only one there for the first thirty to forty-five minutes and it was crazy.  There were fifteen kids all screaming for me to help them and I couldn’t get to all them at one time so it got pretty chaotic.  Things got even crazier after the two girls and boy next to me started competing for my undivided attention.  One of the girls decided she wanted me to be her sister so she started calling me “sister” then naturally the other girl had to do the same thing.  One of the other volunteers came over to sit with us and one of the girls pronounced that we would make a beautiful couple.  It was funny and laughable until I looked up to see his girlfriend standing two feet away looking at us, awkward.  He took the two girls to the gym after that.  Power Hour ended a little bit early so I got to do Triple Play for a little while.  Today’s game was pop tart tag, which was quite interesting considering I had two girls pulling me in two different directions.  When I had to leave at 4 I had to pry the girls off because they didn’t want me to leave.  My crazy day ended appropriately with me getting hit on by two thugs as I walked out.


  1. This sounds like a pretty crazy day at the boys and girls club. I can only imagine how awkward that was when you saw that guy’s girlfriend! It wasn’t your fault though so there was nothing you could do! I think I would pull my hair out if I were trying to help fifteen kids with their homework all by myself. I can barely handle five! It’s good that you got help though. What exactly is pop tart tag? I guess in my head it sounds like freeze tag except you pretend to be a pop tart in a toaster or something? Oh well, usually any kind of tag is fun!
    It’s nice that you were able to finally get back on your schedule. The past couple of weeks have been pretty crazy! Although, now that you just got back on schedule Thanksgiving is going to throw that off again! Oh well, I’m glad everything is going well. (:

  2. Haha well at least your service can be interesting at times. Not to sound selfish but with all the homework I have to do, helping other people do theirs is the last thing I would want to do. Thursday sounds like it must have been an interesting time. I probably would’ve gone crazy and tried to hide somewhere. I’m not good as the center of attention. As for the two little girls fighting for your attention, I know how you feel. I have two little cousins who do the same exact thing cause I’m “one of the big kids but still their size.” Their words not mine.

    The guy with his girlfriend there must have been super awkward. Little kids say the weirdest/most uncomfortable things some times. What can you do. Getting hit on by a couple of thugs on the way out would’ve made me laugh. I hope you had something witty to say. It’s always fun to put someone in their place (when they deserve it, of course.)

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  4. Wow you sounds really loved over there. Those girls sound like they have a girl crush on know if they're competing all the time to get your attention, but yeah that's guys probably looked pissed.
    It's funny how that that kid didn't want to do his HW, I have that problem with authority too. Hopefully you'll be able to help him in time,and to get his him to get over his pain,and starts adapting a positive attitude towards education and life in general.
