I volunteered at the Boys & Girls Club on Monday and Friday this week. Monday was just a normal day except I did homework help the entire two hours instead of play time for the last thirty minutes; this was because this one little girl needed a lot of help writing her state report. I really felt like I accomplished a lot because I helped so many kids in that two hour time. Friday was very interesting because there were about twelve other volunteers there from a sorority and a fraternity at Purdue. Seeing as how it was a Friday, the vast majority of the children did not have homework and the few who did only had spelling words that took less than fifteen minutes. Friday is always the day for fun activities and this one was extra special activities. It was the World Wide Day of Play and the Keystone group planned a group of relays for the kids. The first relay was the egg relay in which the kids had to carry an egg on a plastic spoon down the field, around a cone, and back. My team actually won this one! The second event was a variation on a tradition water balloon toss. The kids lined up in two lines about three feet apart with the each kid directly across from another kid. The first person tossed the water balloon to the person across from them who then proceeded to hand it to the person next to them who then tossed it to the person across from them; this continued on down the lines and then back up the lines. The game was really fun but my group totally didn’t win; they broke five balloons before they could even get all the way through the lines one direction! They ran out of water balloons so most of the groups, including mine, had to finish the game with the eggs from the egg relay and all I can say about that is thank goodness that the eggs were hard boiled. In the final relay the kids had to run down the field and back while bouncing a balloon in the air. This would have been challenging enough on a normal day and the wind on Friday made this a bit of a failed game because the kids became discouraged rather quickly. The whole activity ended with a little awards ceremony followed by hot dogs and ice cream sundaes. The kids seemed to have a great time and so did I, plus I got quite a workout when I had to run back to campus to make it to crew practice since the bus didn’t come!
Until next time…
XOXO Service Girl